St. James
Episcopal School
Traditions. Faith. Excellence.
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1
Chapel services are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings at 8:15 a.m. Chapel attendance is a required part of school life for faculty and students.
The liturgy of The Episcopal Church is used as a resource as we celebrate our Episcopal identity while respecting all religious traditions and beliefs. Chapel is a time for all our students to come together to worship God. During every chapel service, students participate in songs, Bible lessons, and intercessory prayers. The children pray for family, friends, pets, our armed forces,
the leaders of our school, church and nation, and peace in our world. Former students often call and ask to be added to the prayer list because they remember the importance of prayer at St. James School.
We affirm the importance of each student's spiritual growth and their natural awareness of God, and His creation. We seek to develop in each student a deeper understanding and reverance of the traditions and creeds of the Christian faith. Classroom connections to chapel allow for prayer, discussions of faith, and integration of Godly principles into the academic program.
Penny Day is a weekly celebration of our Service Learning program. Students learn that one of their gifts is prosperity and sharing our wealth with others in need can be a life-long habit of service.
During the week, each class collects money that is presented in chapel every Friday as an offering. 100% of the offering goes toward a local service learning project, a designated worldwide mission program, or a fund for the relief of those facing an unexpected disaster. *Students contribute approximately $4000.00 each year.
Students at St. James Episcopal School have a longstanding tradition of intercessory prayer. Students from Pre-K3 to 5th grade pray daily for loved ones who are sick, grieving, and those needing wisdom and direction. There are prayers offered for our country and its leaders, the military, and others who serve in uniform to keep us safe. Students also pray for alumni, and families that are traveling. Often, the school receives phone calls from the community requesting that a name be added to the children’s prayer list. The names of those we regularly pray for are posted on the prayer tree in the main hall of the school building.
Arnoldo Romero
Rector of
St. James Episcopal Church & School
We encourage you to submit any prayer requests you might have for yourself, family, friends or anyone else that you might want to lift up in prayer. Our prayer list is updated regularly and those on it are prayed for multiple time a week during our chapel services.