St. James
Episcopal School

Traditions. Faith. Excellence.
Refund Policy
Camp registration must be cancelled on or before the close of registration in order to receive a full refund. Any cancellation requests made after the forementioned date, will only receive a partial refund and/or credit. The registration fee is due in full by the close of registration to secure your child's spot for Summer Camp. The registration fee can be paid in payments or in full in the school business office, through your Family Portal, or online through PayPal. Charges will be posted according to your selection on your child's registration form. For more information, please contact Mrs. Nebel in the school business office.
Please understand that our camps are kept small to facilitate learning, and many fill up quickly. Last-minute cancellations keep other kids from enjoying our camp. Thank you for your understanding.
*If your child is unable to attend camp, please consider converting all or part of your registration fees into a donation or scholarship to assist families in need. Your donation will be tax-deductible. For more information and guidelines on this process, or to request a refund, please contact the school business office.