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MAY 2024






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Luke 6:31

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

A Year In Review

The last week of school! I am not sure how we are here, but ready or not, here comes summer! I was thinking about all the memories I have of being in school and all the lessons I learned over the years, and it got me thinking about our graduating 5th graders. Are they anxious about moving on to middle school, what have they learned during their elementary years that will stick with them for the rest of their lives, and if they had advice for our younger students, what would it be? So I asked them a few questions and I must say their answers brought me to tears. 


God was the number one recurring answer, along with kindness, respectfulness, and obedience. Almost all of them are nervous about moving on to middle school, but feel like St. James has prepared them for whatever the future may bring. They know that “God will always be with you, and always protect you” as shared by one of the 5th graders during our interview. They also know how important kindness and respect is. One of the students even went so far as to say “All of the staff and teachers here are so kind, and they’ve passed on their kindness to the students, including me.”


They went on to talk about the memories they have made here at St. James over the years and what their friendships with fellow students mean to them. The Camp Eagle trip was definitely a hit with this group, as well as Dad’s Burger Day, chimes class, Cultural Awareness, the garden, the Fun Runs, and all the fun field trips they have taken together. Spending time with their classmates, no matter the activity, is what brings them joy. One of our sweet girls said “it is nice to have friends, people who understand you. When you are a good friend, you are doing what God wants you to”. 


Growing up and transitioning from elementary school to middle school is not easy. We never know what tomorrow might bring, but one particular 5th grader said it best when asked what virtue they learned at St. James, that they would carry with them throughout life. She said, “One thing I will take with me in my life is courage. I really learned how to have courage and to be braver. I learned so much through all of my years here.” She is absolutely right. Courage is what gets us through the unknown, sometimes scary transitions in life. 


This group of kids is truly something special! We have watched the majority of them grow from babies in PK3, to the young men and women they are today. To say we are proud of them, would be an understatement. They epitomize what is means to be a St. James student, both inside and outside of the classroom. Congratulations to our graduating 5th grade class of 2024! “Never stop trying”

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Tour of Nations

As part of our Cultural Awareness unit, our students participated in a "Tour of Nations" this past Thursday. They took their “passports” and travel to the different countries being studied by each of the grade levels, and saw a short presentation of what their peers have been learning these last few weeks. They were able to sample native foods, see pictures and artifacts meaningful to that culture, and got a glimpse into each of the countries, by learning a few fun facts as they travel from classroom to classroom. 

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